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The Simple Way to Improve Quality of Life

The PATENTED and ONLY adult-oriented stimulation products for adults with Alzheimer's or dementia, requiring no supervision.

These products also offer solace to those facing sensory and cognitive issues.

Geri-Gadgets® Fidget Gidget® Bucket

A colorful array of gadgets designed to provide calming sensory stimulation.

Imparts sensory and cognitive stimulation, giving a sense of joy and accomplishment.

Geri-Gadgets® Shapes Bucket

Ten brilliantly colored soft silicone shapes that fit together no matter the configuration.

Provides  therapeutic

benefits as increased

dexterity, and improved hand-eye coordination.

Geri-Gadgets® Flower Bucket

Brightly colored silicone tulips and leaves to arrange in a charming silicone vase.

Brings relief to caregivers and family members by offering sustained activity and prolonged interest.

“Dementia and Alzheimer's patients deserve our compassionate care and engaging, safe activities that stimulate their minds and occupy their hands. Geri-Gadgets® serve as a crucial component in addressing this pressing need.”

— Dr. Kiran K. Bath, Neurologist

“When my mom was diagnosed with dementia, I searched for therapeutic items to occupy her time and mind. Most products available were designed for kids and hard to clean.

I created Geri-Gadgets®, an interactive way to improve quality of life."

In good health,

Angela Fairhust, Founder

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