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My Story: The Inspiration Behind Geri-Gadgets®


My journey with Geri-Gadgets® began with my mom. She was misdiagnosed with Alzheimer's when, in fact, she had Lewy Body dementia. This misdiagnosis led to a series of challenges as I tried to find ways to keep her calm, engaged, and safe.

Early signs of Lewy Body dementia include blood pressure dropping when standing up, which led to frequent falls for my mom. When she had a pacemaker put in, the anesthesia affected her badly. She was disoriented, picking up her purse and asking for her keys, not realizing she was still in the hospital.

Despite my efforts to call out the signs of dementia, my brother, who is an MD working in medical research on the east coast, but had “trained incapacity,” didn't believe me. It wasn't until the end of the year when she went to New York to visit him for the holidays that he realized the severity of her condition. She packed 16 pairs of pants and only 1 shirt. Recognizing something was seriously wrong, he had her tested and ultimately sent his nanny home to care for her. Even with full-time care, things became dangerous. She would get lost in the garage, among other issues, leading us to move her into a large care home community.

Hallucinations are a part of Lewy Body dementia, but unlike Alzheimer's, medications for hallucinations don't work and can cause severe reactions. My mom experienced this firsthand with seven medications, which led to bad reactions, hospitalizations, and near-death experiences. We eventually moved her to a smaller care home, but she continued to struggle, staying anxious and, at times, aggressive due to fear and her inability to communicate properly.

During this time, I noticed her intense sensory need. She would touch the shiny paper of a magazine, seeking sensory engagement. I started bringing her various items to experiment with, but many were too complicated, like a bucket with shapes that she couldn't fit into the proper holes.

The breakthrough came with a cut-up silicone potholder. This simple item sparked the idea of using silicone, which is washable and safe to mouth, and the concept of a bucket container. From these humble beginnings, Geri-Gadgets® were developed.

Geri-Gadgets® are specifically designed for adults, featuring bright, colorful elements that are easier for older eyes to see. They can be used alone or with someone, providing cognitive exercise, sensory engagement, a sense of accomplishment, joy, and quality of life. These products are not just for fun but also serve as a tool for hand and arm exercise, reducing agitation, and promoting mental stimulation.

Geri-Gadgets® are now used by caregivers and in various communities, ensuring safety for many seniors. My mom's journey and the challenges we faced together inspired me to create something that could truly make a difference. Geri-Gadgets® are not just products; they are a testament to the power of innovation, love, and the desire to improve the lives of those living with dementia.

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